
一本道无码 Web

A service provided by the University CMS Team

Configure Header & Footer Regions

The header and footer regions are site-wide elements which means they are displayed on every page of your site. If you are starting with a brand new site, configuring the header and footer regions is the first thing you'll want to do.

Screenshot of full web page with header and footer regions highlighted

The header and footer regions of a site.

Setup Block

The header and footer regions are configured in the Setup Block located at the base level of a site. To edit, select setup in the asset tree and click Edit in the Action Toolbar, OR Right-click on it Edit.

Editing the setup in the CMS.

The Setup Block menu options.


The header appears at the top of every page.

Basic Settings

  1. Social Media Image (optional) - Displayed when a page on your site is shared on social media. Choose File to browse and select an image.
  2. Roof Color - Select a color for the top bar containing the Carnegie Mellon wordmark
  3. Search this Site Only - Admin-only setting; do not modify
  4. Site Search Domain - Admin-only setting; do not modify
  5. Site Name - Enter the official name of your department or group
  6. Live URL - Admin-only setting; do not modify
  7. Site Name (Display or Hide) - Admin-only setting; do not modify

Site Logo (optional)

  1. For Add a Site Logo select Yes
  2. Choose File to browse and select a Site Logo Image
  3. Add a description of the image for Alt Text for Site logo
  4. Add a Site Logo Link by selecting either Home Page, Choose File to specify a page, or URL to link to an external site
  5. Specify whether the link should Open in New Window (recommended if linking to an external site)

Parent Organization or Slogan (optional)

  1. Parent Organization - Enter the Parent Name of the department, division or college and full URL for the Link (optional); Open in New Window is recommended

  2. Slogan - Enter a brief description, tagline or phrase relevant to your department or group
Configuring the header in the setup.

Setup Block edit interface.

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