Frequently Asked Questions
What is NROTC?
The NROTC program was established to develop and educate qualified midshipmen for commission in the Navy and Marine Corps. Selected applicants are awarded highly competitive scholarships to aid them throughout their college career. Upon graduation, newly commissioned officers serve in the Navy or the Marine Corps for a period of a few years, at which time they make a decision to either continue their service or to take their experiences and education elsewhere.
What is expected of me in NROTC?
NROTC Midshipmen are required to complete the course of study prescribed by the college or university that they attend. Midshipmen are also required to take several naval science courses in addition to their university's prescribed course load. Due to the increasing complexity of today's Navy, Navy option midshipmen are required to complete the equivalent of two semesters of calculus before the end of their sophomore year, and two semesters of calculus based physics before the end of their junior year.
What events during a normal week do I do for NROTC while I am at school?
There will be one Naval laboratory a week, which may take the form of a lecture or drill practice or other such activity. Physical training will occur two times a week for Navy options and more for Marine options. Midshipmen will be required to take Naval Science courses at the Unit which meets twice per week. Finally, volunteering and participating in Unit sponsored or sanctioned events will be stressed and can be expected throughout the semester.
What happens after graduation?
Upon graduation, NROTC Scholarship Program midshipmen are commissioned as Ensigns in the U.S. Navy or Second Lieutenants in the Marine Corps. Midshipmen without scholarships may also receive a commission through the College Program. College Program midshipmen must serve at least three years of active duty service if they accept a commission. The service commitment times vary to what community in which the graduate has selected to serve.
What do I owe the Navy or Marine Corps after graduation?
Scholarship midshipmen must serve at least five years in active duty status (Nurses will serve four years active duty minimum). College Program midshipmen must serve at least three years of active duty service if they accept a commission. Service commitment times vary according to what community in which the graduate has selected to serve.
Where can I find more information?
The Navy’s website regarding NROTC can be found
How do I apply?
Contact a local recruiter or follow the link above and click “Fill out an application.”