


Midshipman Stories

Our midshipmans' reasons for joining NROTC are as diverse as their chosen career paths within the program. Some seek adventure, while others are more altruistic and looking for a job filled with meaning. No matter the reason, all midshipman share the same calling--to protect and defend the country they love. Below are the stories of our 1/C midshipmen and experiences they have encountered while at the unit.

MIDN 1/C Nolan Hernandez

MIDN 1/C Reshmi Ketelsen

MIDN 1/C Alexander Simak

MIDN 1/C Eliana Fleischer

MIDN 1/C Joel Murcek

MIDN 1/C Elizabeth Min

MIDN 1/C William Becker

 MIDN 1/C Andrew McNeill