Classes and Descriptions
The following are courses that Marine Options are required to take during their 4 year degree:
32-101 Introduction to Naval Science--A general introduction to the naval profession and to concepts of Seapower. Instruction emphasizes the mission, organization, and warfare components of the Navy and Marine Corps. Included is an overview of officer and enlisted ranks and rates, training and education, and career patterns. The course also covers naval courtesy and customs, military justice, leadership, and nomenclature. This course exposes the student to the professional competencies required to become a naval officer.
32-102 Seapower and Maritime Affairs--This course surveys US naval history from its European origins to the present with emphasis on major developments and the geopolitical forces shaping with these developments. Also included is discussion of the theories and writings of naval historian and strategist Alfred Thayer Mahan. The course will finish by covering present day concerns in seapower and maritime affairs, including the economic and political issues of merchant marine commerce, the law of the sea, the navy and merchant marine of the former Soviet Union (FSU), and a comparison of US and FSU maritime strategies to include the rise and decline of the Soviet Navy.
32-201 Leadership and Management--This course is a comprehensive advanced-level study of organizational behavior and management. Topics include a survey of the management functions of planning, organizing, and controlling; an introduction to individual and group behavior in organizations; an extensive study of motivation and leadership. Major behavioral theories are explored in detail. Practical applications are explored by the use of experiential exercises, case studies, and laboratory discussions. Other topics developed include decision-making, communication, responsibility, authority, and accountability.
32-410 Amphibious Warfare--A historical survey of the development of amphibious doctrine and the conduct of amphibious operations. Emphasis is placed on the evolution of amphibious warfare in the twentieth century, especially during World War II. Focus is applied to four main themes: political/strategic situation, sea-to-land transitions, tactics ashore, and development of amphibious technology. Present day potential and limitations on amphibious operations, including the rapid deployment force concept, are explored.
32-310 Evolution of Warfare--This course is to provide the student with a very basic understanding of the art and concepts of warfare from the beginning of recorded history to the present day. The intent of the curriculum is to familiarize the student with an understanding of the threads of continuity and the interrelations of political, strategic, operational, tactical, and technical levels of war from the past, while bringing into focus the application of these same principles and concepts to the battlefields of today and the future.
32-402 Leadership and Ethics--The study of naval junior officer responsibilities. The course exposes the student to a study of ethics, decision making, and responsibility as well as counseling methods, military justice administration, naval human resources management, directives and correspondence, naval personnel administration, material management and maintenance and supply systems. This capstone course in the NROTC curriculum builds on and integrates the professional competencies developed in prior course work and professional training.