


MIDN 1/C Alexander Simak

I am from North Huntingdon, PA. I graduated from Norwin High School in 2019 and am currently studying Civil Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. Although I don’t partake in any extracurricular activities at Pitt, I still enjoy going to Pitt Football Games, Penguin games, running, lifting, hanging out with my friends, playing video games, flying, and other activity that gives me a thrill, like riding motorcycles or skydiving. I have been on two cruises. For my 2/C cruise, I went to Sea Trials which is a 10-day course at Navy OCS that teaches the basic skills of firefighting, damage control, and small arms training. For my 1/C cruise, I spent a month with a helicopter squadron in Norfolk, learning the day-to-day life of a Naval Aviator. Upon commissioning, I will report to Pensacola, FL, as a Student Naval Aviator. I hope to fly jets but will be happy flying anything.