
department intiates proposal department prepars proposal department reviews proposal osp reviews proposal department releases electronic application to osp osp reviews electronic application osp submits electronic application to sponsor pending sponsor review

Submission - Pending Sponsor Review

When the SPARCS funding proposal has received all approvals (department, college, OSP Specialist, and OSP PreAward Manager) and the application or request has been submitted to the sponsor, the OSP specialist will mark the SPARCS funding proposal as submitted. At this time, all of the submission details will also be captured.

  • Submission via Specialist (OSP Research Administrator): The PI, Business Manager, or proposal contact (anyone on the proposal preparation team) has released the application for review and submission by the OSP Specialist.
  • Submission via Proposal Team (PI, Business Manager, or proposal contact): A copy of all of the materials submitted along with confirmation of the submission have been added to the SPARCS funding proposal.

 The submission information should be communicated by utilizing the Email Specialist Activity on the Funding Proposal workspace and uploading these documents.