

An interactive process map to learn more about each step in the subcontracts process. Click here to go to Prime Proposal Submitted Click here to go to Receive Prime Award Click here to go to Submit Subcontract Request Click here to go to OSP Issues Draft Click here to go to Negotiate Click here to go to Signatures Click here to go to Processed to Stakeholders

Submit Subcontract Request

If the subcontractor was not proposed in the original proposal submitted by Carnegie Mellon, prime sponsor approval will be necessary prior to issuing a subcontract. If you have any questions regarding how to request approval for a subcontract not included in the original proposal, contact Subcontracts Team or Preaward Team.

Prior to submitting the request, please ensure that the vendor is an active Oracle string. If the subcontractor or vendor is new, please work with the Finance Division to have the subcontractor or vendor complete the necessary vendor paperwork.

Assemble a request for a new subcontract using the Subrecipient Request Form and requests for amendments to existing subcontracts using the Subrecipient Amendment Request Form. Send it to the Subcontracts Team with all required documents and information. Failure to include all necessary items typically results in delays issuing agreements.

**NOTE: Please download the appropriate Subrecipient form and complete the form. Each form contains a Submit button allowing the form to be sent to the correct email address. The Submit button will not work if the PDF is opened within the web browser.

Items included in the request are as follows:

  • Detailed Scope of Work for the subcontractor - This is only the tasks that the subcontractor is performing. This is not a duplication of the entire scope that was included in the proposal. The scope should include any project deliverables that the subcontractor will be required to submit. The subcontractor's scope is incorporated into the subcontract and referenced throughout the agreement. Please provide the scope of work as a Word document if possible.
  • Itemized Budget - the budget should break out the subcontractor's costs in a similar manner as the prime budget.
  • A source and price justification from the completed SPEX proposal or a , if submitting a request for a professional services agreement in excess of $2,500.00.
  • If requesting a professional services agreement, please obtain a copy of the contractor's professional liability coverage certificate and include it with the request.

If you have any questions on the request form, please contact the Subcontracts Team.