

Academic Advising

Initial Counseling Session (September/January)

Midshipmen are required to meet with their class advisor within the first few weeks of the semester (September or January).  The following documents must be completed and brought with the Midshipman to the advising meeting.

Academic Counseling Memo Template [.docx]

Academic Approval Form

Enclosure (1): NSTC 1533-115 (06-18) Academic Term Performance and Counseling Record [.pdf]

Enclosure (2): NSTC 1533-117 (04-17) Degree Completion Plan [.pdf]

Enclosure (3): Weekly Academic Schedule

Mid-Semester Counseling Session (October/March)

Midshipmen are required to meet with their class advisor half-way through the academic semester (generally October or March).  Midshipmen must complete the memo below to report their academic performance to their class advisor.

Mid-Semester Memo Template

Course Waiver Request

Course Waiver Request

NROTC Program Requirements Checklist

Naval ROTC Program Requirements Checklist